Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Healthy Soul

Too many people consider soul work to be primarily interior and valuable only to the person doing the work. The most important reason to attend to our souls, however, is that spiritual health and vitality determines the quality of our contribution to our world. What good is a healthy soul hidden away on a mountaintop or “purified” to the point of divorce from reality? Spiritual wholeness is not an end in itself; it is a means to participate fully in a world that is spiritually hungry. A healthy soul cannot help but love.
-- Traci Mullins and Ann Spangler, Vitamins for your Soul

Monday, August 10, 2009

Some Thoughts for the Day

What if your work expressed your own highest values?
What would your relationships be like?
How would you be?
What message would you be expressing?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Urgency from Vision Not Guilt

Good leaders understand that the presentation of vision must always, always be accompanied with a presentation of urgency for that vision. Without the consistent presentation of urgency, people vote with their behavior for the status quo. A good leader makes the status quo so unacceptable that people are willing to embrace a new vision.

If one creates urgency from a prophetic perspective so that everyone feels guilty about all that could be happening but is not, there will be no change. Prophets create guilt, and guilt is designed to produce repentance, which is a type of change. But changes in congregations, which may start with repentance, must be led by leaders rather than prophets. Shame and blame do not produce change.’ [healthy change or positive growth]
--Paul D. Borden, Direct Hit