Friday, October 30, 2009

Three Goals

Here is a radical idea!

All staff members must accept three major goals. The first goal is the number of new disciples that will be brought to Jesus under their respective ministries. Setting this as the primary goal, makes outward focus everyone’s responsibility, from the person leading the nursery staff to those responsible for assimilating new people. It also creates an environment of outreach that leads staff to be creative in reaching new people, whether adults or children. The second goal is the number of new people that each staff member will train to be involved in his or her ministry each year. Congregations grow in proportion to the number of leaders and groups that are developed. The third goal is specific numbers or percentages by which that staff member’s ministry will grow during the year. Almost no one is exempt from these goals.
--Paul D. Borden, Direct Hit

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Removing Obstacles

When a leader keeps personal ego in check—and builds the confidence and self-esteem of others—it is then possible for the team to work together.

We teach others the knowledge, skills, and strategies they need to succeed. And we work hard to get obstacles out of their way so they can make progress.
--Ken Jennings & John Stahl-Wert, The Serving Leader

Removing obstacles from another's path is a powerful and usually invisible ministry.
- Ed