Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Silence and Listening

As with personal prayer, silence and listening are the starting points for spiritual leadership. This is true because without listening for God, we are leading only from ourselves, from our own minds and our own ideas. And the only way to listen for God is to be willing to enter into the silence of prayer, the stillness of doing nothing.
--Daniel Wolpert, Leading a Life with God

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Certain folk, by the way they live, teach us what joy is all about. These joy bearers are not jokesters…Yet they possess the quality rightly called joy. They live that joy as much in the midst of crisis as they do in days of outward celebration. Walking the way of integrity, they carry within them one of the great paradoxes of faith: The person of faith both laments and rejoices mightily.
--Steve Doughty, To Walk in Integrity

Saturday, April 4, 2009


In the biblical vision, those who seek wholeness do not flee the pain that comes upon them. They endure…Those who endure draw their capacity to endure from two primary sources: the community of faith and the living God in whom they ground their life.
-- Steve Doughty, To Walk in Integrity