Wednesday, September 23, 2009


3. Action/Service Groups
The Soup Kitchen Committee, the volunteers who maintain the thrift shop, the Peace and Justice Committee, the Senior Citizens Housing Task Force, and the Nursery School Board are examples of a third kind of group that can have the leavening dough of spiritual formation.

The opening time is vitally important for these groups that are engaged in meeting the needs of “the least of these” and in addressing difficult and complex issues. It is hard to sustain commitment in the face of persistent evil and slow-moving bureaucracies. Prayers for strength and guidance are always appropriate. Reflections on God’s compassion (Micah 6:8, for example) provide the basis for ongoing commitment. Songs about God’s promises of shalom and justice can lift the heart. Jim and Jean Strathdee’s music could encourage many groups.

Periodically a group will want to spend time sharing responses to these kinds of questions: What are the joys and struggles of our call to serve? What new challenges is God giving to us? What scripture has given you strength as you carry out your mission? How do you see Jesus walking with us? Where did you see the winds of the Spirit blowing?

Care for the members of action groups is an important part of spiritual nurture. It may be useful to plan retreats and social gatherings to provide space for the healing rivers to flow back into active lives. The section on options will give many suggestions that will be useful for nourishing the members of action groups.

Heart and Soul: a guide for Spiritual Formation in the Local Church
Larry J. Peacock, Upper Room Books

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