Saturday, August 2, 2008

Response to Challenges

We have a choice about how we deal with life's endless challenges. We can react with hope or despair, with courage or fear, with enthusiasm or indifference.
--Maggie Pinkney, Pocket Positives for Living

A reader responds:
I choose Hope, Courage, and Enthusiasm, as undoubtedly Maggie does as well.

But to be Hopeful one must plan comprehensively and expeditiously, and execute effectively.

One can't help being Courageous in one's quest if one is Hopeful.

And finally, if one carefully implements all of the above in sequence, one's attitude certainly must be one of Enthusiasm!!

With that Enthusiasm under one's "utility belt," one has no guarantee of ALWAYS being successful, but it sure empowers one to keep on trying.... it gets a bit tiresome sometimes, though!! :) - José

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