Friday, August 8, 2008

Transforming Alchemy of Listening

[The world needs] the presence of empathic listeners:
—listeners who are interested and who really care about others,
—listeners who are willing to forego ego and the need to spout opinions,
—listeners who seek neither to add to nor to take away from what is being said,
—listeners who are patient and willing to withhold judgment for a while,
—listeners who can say, “Yes, I really hear you”—and mean it.
There is a transforming alchemy in such listening.
--George Leonard & Michael Murphy, The Life We Are Given

There is a place and a need for leadership development programs, but before you spend big bucks on a program, try listening. See how much transformation comes from that.

As Dennis Miller used to say, “It’s just a thought. I could be wrong.”

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