Saturday, June 21, 2008

God's Dreams

I believe God has dreams for us. I have a personal problem with the “God has a plan for our life” language, because it suggests to me that God has planned out every second and every detail of our life. I don’t believe that is true. I do believe that God has dreams for our lives in a way similar to the dreams our parents had for us when we were born except that (with few exceptions) God dreams less about what our job will be and more about what our character will be and what our relationship with God/Jesus will be.

Jim Collins in Good to Great said:
"Few people attain great lives, in large part because it is just so easy to settle for a good life. The vast majority of (congregations) never become (vital), precisely because the vast majority become quite (complacent with the status quo) — and that is their main problem"

One of our problems is that we dream too small for ourselves and for our churches and God is dreaming the Kingdom of Heaven come on earth. Our task is to discern God's dream and move in that direction.

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