Thursday, June 19, 2008

More on the leadership XY graph

Below is a chart that is a little more developed than yesterday’s.

The reason I like the XY graph is that it makes it easy to see the importance of these two qualities, (leadership ability and spiritual maturity). A person who is spiritually mature, but who is at the “Individual Contributor” or “Group Contributor” level is not ready to be an effective leader. Likewise someone who may be a high functioning leader in the marketplace, but spiritually immature, will not make a good church leader, if for no other reason than that the church operates by a different set of values and from a different world view than the marketplace. The church gets itself in trouble when it offers leadership positions to anyone who’ll take the job. Don’t give me the “We don’t have anyone else to take the job” argument. I have been a pastor in small churches. My experience that it is better to leave a position unfilled than fill it with an unqualified person.

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