Friday, July 18, 2008

Leading with Soul

Here are some quotes from Bolman and Deal worth reflecting on. - Ed

Perhaps we lost our way when we forgot that the heart of leadership lies in the hearts of leaders. We fooled ourselves, thinking that sheer bravado or sophisticated analytic techniques could respond to our deepest concerns. We lost touch with a most precious human gift---our souls. p. 6

The heart of leadership is in the hearts of leaders. You have to lead from something deep in your heart.

Like what?

I can’t tell you what’s in your heart, nor would you want me to. Would you want someone to offer you fruit but chew it up before giving it to you? On1y you really know what’s in your heart. p.21

The essence of leadership is not giving things or even providing visions. It is offering oneself and one's spirit. p.102

If you show people you don’t care, they’ll return the favor. Show them you care about them, they’ll reciprocate.
When people know that someone really cares, you can see it. It’s there in their faces. And in their actions. Love really is the gift that keeps on giving. p.84

Leading with Soul, Lee Bolman & Terrance Deal, Jossey-Bass Pub.

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