Sunday, July 13, 2008

The rhinoceros approach to spiritual growth

They say rhinoceroses have poor eyesight and small brains. Therefore, if while you are walking across the African plain, a rhino charges you, you should stand still. The reasoning is thus: If you stand still, the beast will have a hard time seeing you. Then because he has a tiny brain, he will forget why he is charging, his full gallop will slow to a walk, and he will look puzzled and just wander off.

Many of us are like that in our spiritual lives. We move toward "perfection” which is being formed into the likeness of Christ. Along the way we forget where we are going and wander off. Worldly concerns like family, work, health, and busy schedules sidetrack us. We forget where we are going on our faith journey because the way is long and the goal hard to see.

For more than 200 years Methodist bishops have asked pastors at their ordination, "Do you expect to be made perfect in love in this life?" While the expected answer is "Yes", once a young ordinand, in a graduating class of one, hesitated in his answer as he stood alone before his bishop and the community. His crusty old bishop peered over his glasses and said, "Well Bill, if it happens, don't you imagine it will be rather late in life?"

Perfection in love, if it comes, will probably come late in life because the way is long and the goal hard to see. This is why we need role models, spiritual friends, knowledge of the varieties of religious experience, a faith practice, and a Christian community which can help us on our way. Church was intended to be a community of soul support. It takes spiritually mature leaders to help a church become what God dreamed for it to be from the time he called it into existence. Therefore, who are your role models and spiritual friends and what is your faith practice to help you become the person and leader that God needs you to be?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now that was excellent! Very insightful. I'm glad that I came across your blog.